NCC/BCA compliant selections
with Stuart Bryson  |  share:
Hints and Tips

Volume 1 Part J5 of the National Construction Code of Australia, which incorporates the BCA, has a clause regarding the maximum allowable fan motor power to air flow ratio W/(L/s) in a system delivering over 1000 L/s of air.

Over the years, the NCC/BCA has changed how this is calculated, and under which conditions. The Selection Program makes it easy to select fans based on the year of the code you are conforming to. The latest adopted version is 2016.

When selecting in Advanced mode, select the year of NCC/BCA Compliance, and specify the “with filter” option if your ventilation system contains filtration. This will determine which W/(L/s) values appear green in the Results window, indicating compliance.

If you do not select a NCC/BCA compliance year, the program will indicate the compliance in the Motor/Power Data section of the Fan Specification, and if filters are required to meet compliance.

Version 5.5 of the Selection Program can be downloaded from our website. Remember to use the auto-updater to make sure you’ve got all the latest features.

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